ham radio

Ham Radio 360: ARES responds to the Joplin Tornado-a look back with AC0HA

In times of natural disasters, communication is crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of affected individuals. Amateur radio operators or "hams" play a vital role in disaster response, providi...

Ham Radio 360: Dayton Hamvention 2016 Pre-Show

Ham Radio: Dayton Hamvention 2016 In a near Earth-Shattering turn of events, the way has been made for Cale to attend the Dayton Hamvention. Now he needs your help in funding the trip (click photo bel...

Ham Radio 360: 10 Meters, Ten-Ten Int’l Net with KR7RK.

Ham Radio: 10 Meters, Ten-Ten International Net with Keith, KR7RK In Episode 49, Keith Schlottman shares his journey into the Amateur Radio hobby, starting from his interest in Shortwave and CB radio...