Prep Comms
PrepComms offers real world insight for those in the prepper-sphere regarding Communication Solutions and Best Practices. Hosted by long time prepper and Amateur Radio Operator, Cale Nelson, K4CDN.

HamRadio 360
IHam Radio 360 was a bi-weekly Amateur Radio Podcast created for the “New Guy”. Hosted by Caleb Nelson, K4CDN, the show chronicled his journey with over 3 and a half years of interviews and projects for all things Ham Radio. The show ran from 2014-2018.
The best thing to happen to 2024
Glad to hear Cale back on the air waves! He could be talking about Tupperware, and I’d still be here.
Inspirational and Raw in all the best ways!
Caleb and Carla speak with truth, grace and humor, constantly bringing the lessons they’ve learned in life back to what is written in the Word of God. Their Godly marriage is inspiring and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to learn from them through this podcast!
Raise my hands…
These two peas in a podcast make me want to raise my hands + worship! Real, Raw, Reality, Refreshing.
What a beautiful message. Single or married you will grow from these podcasts! Carla and Caleb really help you navigate in this world. Thank you guys!
Refreshing and On time
I find that these are in time with things unfolding in my life. I love that you two share so openly and encourage boldly seeking the Lord personally. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Exceptional podcast
I just found this podcast (Feb 2021) and it is exceptional. I listened to 6 hours of it on the first day and learned tons. I wish Cale was still doing the podcast but I'll listen to them all and use them for reference. Best podcast ever.
Great info
Just found it and am sad that Cale is no longer doing the podcast
Definitely Worth Listening
Since it’s for the new Ham or those looking into the hobby, well worth listening to past episodes to learn the jargon, explore what area you’d be interested in, and certainly what to do next. So many questions will be answered. I’ve learned so much from the banter and educated views. While it’s sad to know the end result, still worth a listen.
Perfect show
I started out as a HAM late and unfortunately when Cale ended the show. I am trying to learn as much as I can from his show as a beginner. I’m very grateful for Cale and the guests for the information shared to help us grow in the hobby while at the same time wish I could have participated while the show was going on. Cale thank you and God Bless you on your future endeavors 73 KG5WTX