
Ham Radio 360: ARES responds to the Joplin Tornado-a look back with AC0HA

In times of natural disasters, communication is crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of affected individuals. Amateur radio operators or "hams" play a vital role in disaster response, providi...

Ham Radio 360: EMCOMM-the Ham Radio HT Go Bag

Merry Christmas! As Mentioned: Pignology George Z (KJ6VU) Invites you to visit the Bay-Net Yahoo Group and drops by this time to discuss EMCOMM/Go-Bags. We'll start in on the ground floor with the HT ...

Ham Radio 360: EMCOMM Box part 2

In this episode, a round table discussion on EMCOMM Boxes/Bags is featured with Jeremy-KF7IJZ, George-KJ6VU, and Cale-K4CDN. They cover topics such as boxes, bags, batteries, mindset, antennas, and co...